The Giving Project supports People who want to start, Sustain or Join Giving Circles

We provide the following support and services: 

  • Launchpad is a five-week virtual interactive training for folks who want to start giving circles. The training is hosted by our friends at Philanthropy Together. We provide coaching and support to Vermonters who participate in Launchpad.

  • Coaching We offer (virtual and in person) coaching to help leaders develop their skills and achieve their visions for their giving circles.

  • Peer Support & Toolkit Members of our network have access to resources and our Toolkit.

  • Networking and Learning We convene and provide learning opportunities for giving circle leaders and folks interested in learning more about collective giving.

  • Hosting and Facilitation For a fee, we can assist your giving circle with specific tasks (such as grant making, due diligence, communications) or take on full management and facilitate all aspects of your giving circles’ activities.